Do Students Need Accessibility Training?

Recent university agreements and Office for Civil Rights consent decrees dealing with accessibility have defined instructors as “all individuals who provide course-related instruction to … students….” This means students in many classes may need to be creating certain assignments in accessible ways.  For example student speeches and presentations given to the class, online videos, and … Read more

Text Size Indicators

Wichita State Text Size Indicator

Accessibility in the face-to-face (f2f) classroom is an increased concern since in light of several recent OCR decisions and other binding agreements such as Wichita State University’s 2016 agreement with the National Federation of the Blind. One challenge with f2f accessibility is the lack of vetted standards and regulations.  In an effort to improve f2f … Read more

Accessibility On Your Campus

The Consortium of Title IX and Equity Officers in Higher Ed Conference, 2019 Presentation: “But I Don’t Have One In My Class: Accessibility On Your Campus” This website provides accessible digital versions of all materials handed out or discussed in the October 13, 2019 conference presentation, “But I don’t have One In My Class: Accessibility … Read more

Michael Tilford Conference Presentation: UD and UDL, Training the Trainers

This page provides accessible digital versions of the resources used in the Michael Tilford Conference Presentation: Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning, Training the Trainers. Suggestions for edit should be sent to Your Trainers Muffy Walter Email Muffy at Ben Wolfe Email Ben at Kelly McClendon Kelly’s LinkedIn Profile Email Kelly … Read more

NODA Pre-Conference Accessibility Workshop

This is the webpage supporting the NODA Pre-Conference Accessibility workshop on October 20, 2019 in Houston, Texas.  The session runs three hours and focuses on the following topics: introduction to accessibility, creating accessible digital documents, impairment etiquette, accessible in-person presentation, and  designing programs with a universal design process. We end with an applied activity to … Read more

DisabilityIN: Greater Wichita Forum 2019

This webpage provides accessible, real-time versions of the in-person discussion from Carolyn Speer’s presentation on digital accessibility at the DisabilityIN: Greater Wichita Forum, 2019. Any suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of our materials should be sent to the Kansas Accessibility Resources Network at Your Presenter Dr. Carolyn Speer is the Director of … Read more